
Are you ready to create a life worth living?

Enter your name and email address to receive our free 60 minute affiliate marketing masterclass, helping you to build a time freedom framework.

Take a look at some of the content:


The 3 steps that make up a Time Freedom Framework - what you actually need to build to 'replace' yourself and make sales without being physically present.


The 6 mistakes that you need to be aware of (or might even already be making) that can stop you from ever earning a dollar online.                          


The reason you should never start an affiliate business based solely on 'the products' and how to shift the way you think so you'll create an income that you truly love.

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Hey, we're Tiff and Todd!


We are a young family, it's just us, our 2 kids, and a doggo that we love adventuring with.


Our passions are family time, travel, and adventure. We are an easy-going, optimistic and open-minded family who love experiencing new things.


We decided that we wanted to create a life that we love and that we are excited to live EVERY SINGLE DAY not just on the weekends. Our life is worth more than sacrificing family adventure time to work a 9-5 grind that we don't particularly enjoy for minimum money.


The daily repetition of getting out of bed, making lunches, rushing to be ready, before school care for our kids, sitting in peak hour traffic to work, LONG days, an even longer drive home in peak hour traffic, tired kids, cooking dinner, bath and bed routines, and all the rest, just to wake up and do it all again the next day. How is that living?!




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We decided pretty early on that neither of us enjoyed the 'career' life. So often nowadays you hear people say you have to hustle in your career to be successful. What we don't understand is why you would want to work so hard and give up YOUR time to fund someone else's retirement when you could be out there living every second of this gorgeous life we have and working towards your own.


That's where affiliate marketing comes in!


We found there to be a lot of wishy-washy information out there but none of it really gave you the tools to succeed.


Cue the Freedom Formula.


We came across this incredible Aussie couple that was living life on their own terms. We jumped on board and haven't looked back since. Their course really broke affiliate marketing down. Not only did it give us the tools we needed to market products we love, it also completely changed our mindset around money and the life we have decided we get to have.


The hardest part is making the decision to back yourself and start..

What are you waiting for? The life you deserve awaits...

How to Succeed as an Affiliate: Free Masterclass

Your adventure awaits!

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